Developer and managing partner of The Agency – a real estate entity – Trevor Musgrove, has been named the 2021-2022 Turks and Caicos Real Estate Association (TCREA) Ambassador.

Musgrove was bestowed with the honour at the Real Estate Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, November 18, which was held virtually.
Musgrove told NewslineTCI that he was honoured to have been given such accolades at this time. He said the Real Estate Association is one of the economic pillars of the country, and as such, he would endeavour to build stronger community outreach, so as to foster greater awareness of its role.
“I am truly honoured to be elected as ambassador for The Turks & Caicos Real Estate Association 2021/2022,” he said.
“The Association plays a critical role in the growing economy of the Turks and Caicos Islands, as such, I would like to build stronger community outreach and partnership within the community so that there is greater appreciation for the understanding of the Association and its role.”
Musgrove said his primary focus as the Real Estate Association’s Ambassador will be to foster a stronger bond with the youth of the country, to allow them to better appreciate and understand the manoeuvring of the association.
“Building a stronger educational outreach, particularly with the youth is one area that I am passionate about,” Musgrove said. When we start with our young people, we are able to put meaning to the phrase, 'the children are the future'.”
He said, too, that it is necessary to establish a more robust education mechanism on how critical a pristine environment is to the sustainability of the Turks and Caicos Islands in general, noting that he was not satisfied with the current state of cleanliness of the country.
“There is also a need to create a greater impact and awareness of the environment and sustainability. We have a beautiful country, but I know that we, as Turks and Caicos Islanders, can do a better job of keeping it clean and preserving what we have,” he said, adding that there is a rush of interests to own a piece of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
He stated that making the Turks and Caicos Islands remain ‘Beautiful by Nature’ should not just be lip service but should also be a demonstration of action.
“We have to truly appreciate the real beauty of the islands and why everyone wants to own a piece of Paradise, as I call it. We are truly Beautiful by Nature, our actions must show that too,” Musgrove said.