The Department of Trade, Industry and Fair Competition has opened application for Turks and Caicos Islanders to apply for a position on the Consumer Protection Appeals Tribunal.
The Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) Consumer Protection Appeal Tribunal is composed of members appointed by the Minister of Finance, Trade, and Investment to hear and determine appeals against decisions of the Director of Trade in relation to complaints made and investigations conducted under the TCI Consumer Protection Ordinance.
A news release from the Department of Trade, Industry and Fair Competition has outlined the criteria for the application process.
According to the department, the successful applicant must be able to demonstrate ability, integrity and standing, having special knowledge of, and professional experience of no less than ten (10) years in economics, business, commerce, law, finance, accounting, management, industry, public affairs, administration, or any other matter which is useful to the Consumer Protection Appeals Tribunal.
The candidate must also be able to demonstrates sound understanding of the TCI Consumer Protection Ordinance, be Willing to declare his/her income, assets, and liabilities with the TCI Integrity Commission, must be under the age of 75 years; and have Turks and Caicos Islander status.
The remuneration, according to the department will be $350 per meeting.
“For more details on the Consumer Protection Appeal Tribunal, please refer to the TCI Consumer Protection Ordinance, which can be found at https://www.gov.tc/trade/consumeraffairs/legislation,” the news release further stated.
According to the Trade and Industry Department, applications, along with the C.V. and a copy of the applicant’s National Turks and Caicos Islander status card, should be sent to consumerappealstribunal@gov.tc by April 14, 2023, noting that applications not accompanied by supporting documentation will not be considered.
The department further noted that all applications must clearly state ‘Name of Desired Post- CP Appeals Tribunal’ in the subject line.