Her Excellency the Acting Governor, Anya Williams, chaired the 9th meeting of Cabinet on Wednesday 5 April 2023 at the Governor’s residence on Grand Turk.
All Members were present with the exception of the Hon. Morris, the Hon. Taylor, Hon. Robinson and the Hon. Malcolm who were all out of the country.
At this meeting Cabinet:
Noted a proposal to lift a moratorium to grant a business licence. Cabinet requested further information from the applicant and will consider at another Cabinet.
Approved the vision for a state-of-the-art TCIG marine and fisheries laboratory to support the critical management of the TCI marine environment and provide first class laboratory services within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). It is named in honour of the late Clifford Leroy Brooks of South Caicos. Cabinet requested further financial information from the Ministry of Tourism and will consider at another Cabinet.
Approved an application from a named individual to re-parcel a road located between parcel 61112/5, 6, 8 and 9 and the unregistered road parcel.
Noted recommendations from the observers of the TCI general elections held on 19 February 2021 and agreed to forward to the public (including political parties) for further consideration and feedback.
Approved plans for new investments by the Grand Turk Carnival Cruise Centre.
Approved re-appointments of the following persons to the Telecommunications Board whose appointments expired 31 March 2023:
Clayton Been – Chairman
Delleriece Hall – Member
Chalsianna Misick – Member
Lerone Ingham – Member
Permanent Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs – Ex-officio
Along with the replacement of Lacal Palmer – Member, who has served five (5) years on the Board, approved re-appointments of the following persons to the Adoption Board:
Tiffany Thomas-Browne – Chair
Roxanne Wake-Forbes – Member
Marjorie Bassett – Member
Carolyn Dickenson – Member Ex-officio
Shayone Handfield-Gardiner – Member Ex-officio
Betty-Ann Benn – Member Ex-officio
Edgar Howell – Member
James Astwood – Member Ex-officio
Bishop Edwin Lightbourne replaced Pastor Pedro Williams
Noted the concerns raised regarding Prince of Wales Drive beach access and requested an information paper be prepared for Cabinet’s next sitting.
Approved the Supplementary Appropriation (2022/2023)(No. 2) Bill 2023 and for its advancement to the House of Assembly.
Re-approved the following contract awards:
I. PN 005617, TR 21/57, Software Digitization Project – Lot A: Electronic Procurement and Contract Management System
II. PN 005617, TR 21/57, Software Digitization Project – Lot B: Equipment
III. PN 005717, TR 22/38, Vehicles for Inland Revenue Department
IV. PN 005629, SSP, Installation of City Water Lines in Wheeland, Blue Hills and Long Bay