Contributed by Mrs. Jodian Scott-Banton
Maranatha Academy staged another successful food drive for the second consecutive year, under the Seventh Day Adventist school’s ‘Let’s Join Hands Community Service Project’.

The ‘The Let’s Join Hands Community Project’, was birthed in the 2020-2021 school year when families were reeling in earnest from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, owing to job loss or significantly reduced work hours.
This year’s food drive was launched on November 1, during the school’s Week of Prayer.
Students were encouraged to pray and give generously in cash or kind, throughout the month of November. The project climaxed on November 25, 2021, with the distribution of 55 food bags.
The Chairperson of the Spiritual Committee, which spearheads the project, Mrs. Jodian Scott-Banton explained: “This is Maranatha’s way of touching lives.’ Let’s Join Hands’ serves as both an in-reach and out-reach programme. We begin by identifying students within our school, whose families are in need of help. We also give to members of the Seventh-day Adventist churches in Providenciales. Residents of the Blue Hills community and beyond, who may have no direct affiliation with the school, also benefit from our food drive.”

Students and staff also took the time to visit with the family of a young man in the community who is a paraplegic. A food bag, cash and a DVD/CD player were donated to the family. The word of God and prayer were also shared with the family, to help encourage and buoy the spirits of the caretakers.
Commenting on the initiative, Principal for the school, Richard Morgan stated: “But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth”- 1 John 3:17 – 18. This is exactly what Maranatha aims to teach all students who enter its hallowed halls. “Maranatha Academy teaches love in action, and we are pleased to note that our students are demonstrating that they have learnt this lesson well. Thank you, parents, for supporting us in teaching our young people the value of giving and helping others.”
"The school has expressed thanks to all the donors of this year’s project. We were able to distribute a wide variety of items including canned food, rice, flour, meat, an assortment of pastas, snacks, juices, water, shoes, toys, clothes, comforters, and kitchenware." Scott-Banton further noted.
One of the major corporate sponsors for this year’s ‘Let’s Join Hands Community Service Project’ is Grace Bay Club. Words of appreciation were expressed by Vice Principal, Mrs. Michelle Arthur;

“It is through partnerships like these that we are able to expand our reach. We certainly do appreciate them joining hands and hearts with us,” she said.
"Maranatha Academy says a BIG THANK YOU to Grace Bay Club, thank you parents and thanks to all our staff and students who gave to this worthy cause. We look forward to your continued support."
Mrs. Jodian Scott-Banton is Maranatha Academy’s Spiritual Committee Chairperson