The following is the latest from the Turks and Caicos Islands National Security Council meeting held on November 29, and disseminated to the media on Tuesday, December 7:

Members were updated on the formation and training of the Beach Patrol Unit within the Ministry of Tourism. The update included legislation being laid before the House of Assembly on 30 November, Unit recruit training beginning 1 December, and the police providing support to units until they are operational.
Presentations/updates were given by PS Tourism and the Acting Commissioner of Police; PS Immigration and Ms Victoria Farley – Border Security; NSS Threats Lead.
Were updated by Ms Farley and PS Immigration on the long-term TCI Border Protection programme, including updates on maritime enforcement plans involving the police, radar station, DECR, Customs and the TCI Regiment.
Received a presentation from the NSS Threats Lead on the Whole of Government Safer Communities Strategy for Reducing Serious Violent Crime.
Were updated by the Acting Commissioner of Police (ACOP), Kendal Grant on the ongoing security review of marine dockyards and marinas, including preparations for a public seminar on the matter in the near future.
The Acting Commissioner of Police also updated the Council on the ongoing anti-robbery operations mounted by the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (RTCIPF), and the forthcoming police recruit training.
The meeting was jointly chaired by His Excellency Governor Nigel Dakin and Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance and Trade Hon. E. Jay Saunders.