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Immigration Minister To Host "Illegal Migration" News Conference

The Ministry of Immigration and Border Services Hon. Arlington 'Chuck' Musgrove will be hosting a Press Conference, on Thursday February 9 at 6:00 pm, at the Office of the Premier in Providenciales.

The theme of the Press Conference is Illegal Migration: Breaking the Chains of Human Smuggling. The Minister is expected to highlight the incidences of human trafficking and what his government is doing and will be doing to address the matter.

In recent weeks, the Marine Branch of the Roya Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force, courtesy of detection by the Coastal Radar Station, intercepted a number of vessels ferrying illegal migrants, mostly Haitians - fleeing arid economic conditions - to these shores.

The apprehended boats are often towed ashore, processed and repatriated to their homeland. A few of those boats managed to elude the radar and made it ashore. However, a number of those migrants are later caught and sent back to their place of birth.


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