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High Speed Chase Ends In Gun-fine, Arrest Of Three Men


A Millennium Highway high speed chase on Saturday night ended in the confiscation of a gun and the arrest of three men, after their would-be getaway vehicle crashed in a ditch.

The police said: “At around 1am on Sunday 2nd October 2022, a police patrol travelling along the Millennium Highway heading into Blue Hills, saw a White Crown Victoria car. Officers of the RTCIPF signalled for the vehicle to stop. The vehicle failed to adhere to the instructions.

“The vehicle was pursued and eventually crashed into a ditch.

“One man alighted from the vehicle and started running, but was arrested a shortly while after, whilst two others remained trapped inside the vehicle.

“The officers assisted in extracting the two trapped males and provided first aid until the arrival of an ambulance.

“In the course of extracting the men from the vehicle, the officers found a firearm and ammunition. While ensuring the men received appropriate medical attention, they were arrested for possession of the firearm and ammunition.

Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting stated: “This is another example of the dedication, professionalism and courage of my officers who are working through the night to keep our communities safe.

“The officers ensured the occupants of the car were safe and received medical attention whilst ensuring they were safely detained for possession of a firearm and ammunition.

“I thank them for what they do relentlessly night after night and salute their courage and professional conduct. I hope the community appreciates and support the work that is constantly being undertaken by the brave men and women of the RTCIPF’”


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