As of 10th January 2022, a number of changes to the current guideline on quarantine/isolation take effect. The complete guideline can be found on the Ministry of Health’s website at:
Some of the main changes include:
Individuals are now to contact the team directly on each island. The Ministry will continue to provide results to persons tested through the Primary Healthcare Department.
Persons requiring a quarantine order for work/school/insurance purposes, who tested positive at a Private Facility should contact the Public Health Team directly:
North Caicos
Kew: 342-6860
Bottle Creek: 347-2126
Middle Caicos: 243-2522
South Caicos: 345-7360
Grand Turk: 347-5657
Salt Cay: 245-9409
Providenciales: Visit the National Stadium, Venetian Road
Mondays-Wednesdays: 9am-2pm
Thursdays and Fridays: 9am-12pm
All persons testing positive are to inform their contacts of their status. Close contacts within the same dwelling should contact the Public Health team for testing/quarantine documents.
Contacts in a separate dwelling will no longer require quarantine, however should monitor themselves for symptoms and seek testing if symptoms develop.
Isolation/quarantine periods may be reduced based on vaccination/booster status, symptoms and a negative rapid antigen/lateral flow device test
Households are still to quarantine together
Tourist groups: The person(s) within the group that tests positive is recommended to isolate for the required period, however, persons testing negative in the group may repatriate as planned.
National Public Health Laboratory
The National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL) wishes to advise the public that in an effort to mitigate the massive surge in requests for testing, approximately 450 samples were sent overseas for processing late last week. In partnership with Grace Bay Medical, these samples were couriered to a large capacity laboratory in Florida. All results have since been received over the weekend and are currently being entered in the local database for reporting purposes. As a result, significant changes in the COVID-19 dashboard are anticipated; due to both delays in some samples being processed, as well as ongoing data entry.
If you are the recipient of a text message from the laboratory, you may find you are unable to access the site/app to which you were directed. Please be assured that you will be contacted by the TCI Ministry of Health with your results.
The team at the NPHL and by extension the Ministry of Health remains committed to providing timely, quality service to the TCI. The Ministry is grateful for the continued patience and consideration by the public during this challenging period.