Up until posting of this article, crime sleuths had not apprehended Chabo Capron, who they say is wanted in connection with a gun-find along with a quantity of drugs, including Amphetamine.

A woman who was in the house at the time of the predawn Sandiland, Five Cays operation on Tuesday, January 10, was apprehended and arrested in connection to the loaded gun and drugs.
According to the information arm of the RTCIPF, officers, acting on intelligence gathering information, executed an authority-to-search-for-firearm-warrant in Sandiland, Five Cays, Providenciales at 4.30 am.
“One person- a female suspect, remains in custody, while a manhunt has been launched for a 41 year old male in connection with the illegal items seized,” the report said.
Commissioner of Police, Trevor Botting said, weighing on the operation, noted that expressed gratitude to the community in its assistance to making the find, stating that one more illegal weapon has been taken off the street.
“This was an intelligence operation which has led to the recovery of an illegal firearm and ammunition being taken off the streets of the TCI. I am grateful for the support of our community and I would urge you to continue to support us as we keep you safe. If you know something, SAY SOMETHING. We will act upon what you tell us. Together we cam build safer communities,” Commissioner Botting said.
In the meantime, the RTCIPF is advising that public to notify the closest police station or to contact Crime Stoppers to give information on any illegal activity anonymously.
“Please note, that Crime Stoppers calls are answered in Miami and in Houston by Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers, which is a non-profit and not a police agency,” the RTCIPF said.