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CARIFTA Track & Field Medalists meet members of Cabinet

Writer's picture: NewslineTCINewslineTCI

Acting Governor Her Excellency Anya Williams and Love Joseph. Premier Hon. Washington Misick interact with Carifta medalists Antwon Walkin (second from right) and Love

After the stellar performance by bronze medalists Antwon Walkin and Love Joseph at the 2023 CARIFTA Games, the athletes were invited to meet Turks and Caicos Islands Members of the Cabinet at the Premier's Office.

Present in the meeting was Deputy Governor Her Excellency Anya Williams, Premier Hon. Charles Washington Misick, Minister of Education, Youth, Sports and Social Services Hon. Rachel Taylor, Minister of Physical Planning and Infrastructure Development Hon. Jamell Robinson, Minister of Health and Human Services Hon. Shaun Malcolm, Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance, Investment and Trade Hon. E Jay Saunders. Also in attendance was the Director of Sports Jarrett Forbes, TCAAA President Edith Skippings, Athletes Love Joseph and Antwon Walkin along with Walkin's father.

The athletes were given an opportunity to express their experiences and aspirations to the Government.

Antwon Walkin conveyed the need for speciality coaches for each individual event to the Government, which was well-digested by all Cabinet members present.

Premier Hon Charles Washington Misick shared with the athletes, "I want you to know the statements you made have not gone on deaf ears. Sports in the TCI is evolving, and we have a long way to go in terms of facilities as well as human resources necessary to ensure athletes can reach the podium at the highest level. You have the Government's commitment to the extent of affordability, that we will do everything we can and continue to invest in sports."

Members of the Cabinet, the Sports Commission and the TCAAA share a photo op with Antwon Wakin (sixth from left) and Love Joseph (fifth from left)

Concluding the meeting, the Premier and Deputy Governor pinned Mr Walkin and Mr Joseph as official ambassadors of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Deputy Governor Her Excellency Anya Williams expressed, "Congratulations on your recent success at the CARIFTA. It is certainly a testament to your hard work and dedication. We in the Turks and Caicos are very proud of you and are extremely happy with your performance. We encourage you and want to do the best we can to support you. You are now ambassadors to these islands and will set an example to your colleagues and future generations for what they can aspire to be."

- Nandina Hislop of the Sports Commission


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